YouTube is going all in on AI


YouTube is embarking on a groundbreaking AI journey to redefine content creation and consumption. At its annual Made on YouTube event, the platform unveiled a range of AI-powered tools to transform how creators craft their content.

One of the most notable advancements is introducing AI-generated photo and video backgrounds, a game-changer for content creators. The new feature called Dream Screen will create AI-generated videos and photos that creators can place in the background of their YouTube Shorts. This feature will empower creators to craft visually stunning content by inputting prompts. Initially available for YouTube Shorts, it will eventually allow creators to remix and edit their existing content using AI tools, fostering creativity in unprecedented ways.

At Made on YouTube, the company demonstrated Dream Screen, generating backgrounds in seconds based on short prompts.

AI-generated video suggestions on YouTube

AI’s influence extends beyond visuals; it also guides content ideation. YouTube Studio is set to feature an AI tool that provides personalized topic suggestions and video outlines. These AI-driven recommendations will ensure that creators produce engaging and relevant content. Additionally, an AI-powered music recommendation system will assist creators in selecting the perfect audio accompaniments for their videos.

Furthermore, YouTube is rolling out an AI dubbing feature, enabling creators to translate their content into multiple languages. This innovation results from YouTube’s collaboration with the Aloud team, recruited from its Area 120 incubator.

The content creation landscape is undergoing a significant transformation, driven by the proliferation of affordable generative AI tools. As Google invests heavily in generative AI, YouTube has been gradually introducing AI-powered features, including video summaries. Google’s flagship product, Search, is already experimenting with AI-generated search results through the Search Generative Experience.

These new AI-powered tools on YouTube could signify a paradigm shift in content planning, creation, and structure. AI-driven insights are poised to influence the content choices of creators, and AI-generated content, already popular on the platform, will become more prevalent. In response to the growing presence of convincing synthetic content, platforms like TikTok have introduced labels to identify AI-generated material.

YouTube is also simplifying the creation of Shorts with the introduction of a new YouTube Create app, announced at the event. This app is poised further to democratize the creation of short-form videos on the platform.

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