World Intelligence Expo 2024

World Intelligence Expo 2024

The 2024 World Intelligence Expo, scheduled for June 20–23, will take place in Tianjin, aiming to aggregate AI-related resources from across China and around the globe. They made the announcement at a news conference on Wednesday.

This year, the expo is co-hosted by Tianjin Municipality in the north and Chongqing Municipality in the southwest, merging two prominent events: the World Intelligence Congress in Tianjin and the Smart China Expo in Chongqing. The collaboration seeks to create a comprehensive platform for academic innovation, exhibitions, competitions, and investment promotion in the field of intelligent technology.

What to Expect at the World Intelligence Expo 2024

The expo is set to attract leading enterprises, renowned research institutions, and top universities, offering an expansive exhibition area of 100,000 square meters. It will feature 10 themed exhibition areas focused on AI, intelligent connected vehicles, intelligent manufacturing, and robotics. Notably, multiple international organizations and institutions will participate, competing in robotics and intelligent driving challenges.

Both Tianjin and Chongqing have significantly boosted their AI industries in recent years. In 2023, Tianjin’s AI industry revenue exceeded 300 billion yuan (about 41.4 billion U.S. dollars). Meanwhile, Chongqing has rapidly developed industries related to intelligent connected vehicles and new energy vehicles, forming trillion-yuan clusters.

Going forward, the World Intelligence Expo will alternate between Tianjin and Chongqing, continuing to foster growth and innovation in the AI sector.

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