Wix Introduces AI-Driven Smartphone App Creation Tool

Wix, widely recognized for its web design capabilities, is introducing a generative AI feature designed to help users create and edit iOS or Android apps simply by describing their vision in plain English.

Set to be integrated into Wix’s app builder tool this week, this feature uses a chatbot-like interface to discern the user’s goals, intentions, and design preferences. Based on this input, Wix’s AI generates a customizable app, which users can further enhance with integrations, widgets, and connectors.

Extending AI Capabilities to App Development

This new AI-powered tool follows Wix’s AI website generator, launched last July, which creates complete website templates from descriptive captions. Wix’s co-founder and CEO, Avishai Abrahami, explains that these AI initiatives are part of a broader strategy to offer “custom AI solutions” for swift digital experience creation.

“Our mission at Wix has always been to enable anyone to establish an online presence, including mobile apps,” Abrahami shared. “We’ve gained extensive insights into AI and user interaction while building online presences.”

Building Apps from the Ground Up

Wix’s new AI app builder, available with a $99-per-month subscription to Wix’s premium Branded App plan, generates app code that is “fully native” to both iOS and Android. Users can control their app’s branding, layout, and features, including icons and themes, and preview the app before submitting it to the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

“Our AI aims to take on most, if not all, of the heavy lifting for the user,” said Abrahami. “The more detailed the input during setup, the more tailored and comprehensive the AI-generated app will be.”

Despite this promise, Wix’s AI site builder has received mixed reviews, with some users reporting bugs and generic outcomes. Given that the underlying technology is similar, barring a few upgraded generative AI models, it’s unclear why Wix’s AI app builder would perform better.

Abrahami dismissed criticisms of Wix’s site builder, stating that feedback has been “overwhelmingly positive,” and noting that hundreds of thousands of AI-generated websites have been created since its launch.

“This strong user response highlights our AI expertise and the strength of our product team,” he said. “We’re thrilled to bring this capability to mobile as well.”

Addressing Security Concerns

The stakes are higher with app development, especially concerning security. Studies show that generative AI tools often introduce incorrect code and amplify existing bugs and security issues. For instance, research from Purdue found that over half of the programming answers provided by OpenAI’s ChatGPT are incorrect.

Abrahami acknowledged that the AI app builder might make mistakes, but emphasized Wix’s commitment to continuous improvement. “Our security team ensures robust security measures for all our solutions, including the mobile app builder,” he added. “Our applications and code undergo constant security reviews and monitoring.”

Impact on the App Development Market

If Wix’s AI app designer performs as promised, it could disrupt the multi-billion-dollar app development industry. Competitors like FlutterFlow, Crowdaa, and the Mobile-First Company also incorporate AI in various forms. Additionally, platforms like Fiverr feature numerous highly-rated app developers offering services at competitive prices.

Abrahami insists that Wix’s tool is not meant to replace developers but to provide an alternative for those who prefer it. The tool integrates deeply with Wix’s broader product ecosystem, making it potentially more attractive to Wix’s existing user base, and includes features like usage analytics and app update management through app stores.

“Professional developers remain essential for more complex and specialized projects,” Abrahami said. “There is space for both professional developers and AI-driven solutions in app creation.”

Whether app developers agree remains to be seen, but they may have little choice but to adapt.

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