Weka Secures $140M in Series E Funding, Valued at $1.6B

Weka, headquartered in Campbell, CA, a pioneer in AI-native data platforms, has successfully raised $140 million in Series E funding, achieving a valuation of $1.6 billion.

Leading the funding round is Valor Equity Partners, with significant contributions from Generation Investment Management, NVIDIA, Atreides Management, 10D, Hitachi Ventures, Ibex Investors, Key1 Capital, Lumir Ventures, MoreTech Ventures, and Qualcomm Ventures. As part of the agreement, Antonio Gracias, the founder, CEO, and Chief Investment Officer of Valor, will join Weka’s board, adding valuable expertise and strategic insight.

The infusion of capital will bolster Weka’s financial position, enabling the company to rapidly expand its global footprint and meet the surging demand for AI-native data infrastructure. Additionally, Weka plans to allocate resources towards advancing its data platform software and providing liquidity options for its employees.

Under the leadership of CEO Liran Zvibel, Weka offers a cutting-edge data platform distinguished by its cloud and AI-native architecture, designed for seamless deployment across diverse environments, including on-premises, cloud, and edge. By revolutionizing traditional data silos into dynamic data pipelines, Weka empowers AI model training, GPU acceleration, and other performance-intensive tasks to operate with heightened efficiency, reduced energy consumption, and minimized carbon footprint.

Weka: A Fast-rising Force

Currently, over 300 of the world’s most prominent AI and GPU deployments rely on the WEKA® Data Platform, a testament to its unrivaled capabilities and industry-leading performance.

In response to the funding announcement, Liran Zvibel expressed gratitude to existing investors for their unwavering support and extended a warm welcome to Antonio Gracias to Weka’s board of directors. Zvibel emphasized Gracias’s instrumental role in shaping innovative and disruptive ventures globally, underscoring the collective commitment to unlocking new value for Weka’s stakeholders.

As Weka continues its trajectory of innovation and growth, fueled by this latest funding milestone, the company remains steadfast in its mission to empower organizations with cutting-edge AI-native data solutions, driving unparalleled business outcomes for customers, partners, and shareholders alike.

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