The Rabbit R1: Unfinished but Intriguing

The Rabbit R1: Unfinished but Intriguing

In the realm of AI-powered gadgets, the Rabbit R1 is making waves, sparking both excitement and criticism in its early reviews. While its predecessor, the Humane’s Ai Pin, faced widespread criticism, the R1 is carving its own path with a unique design and promising features.

At first glance, the R1 stands out with its funky hardware design and compact form factor, resembling an iPhone in size and weight. Boasting 128GB of storage, 4GB of RAM, and essential features like a sim card slot, camera, and USB-C charging port, it aims to cater to the tech-savvy consumer looking for an AI-enhanced mobile experience.

Reviewers Impression on Rabbit R1

Initial impressions from reviewers offer a mixed bag of feedback:

  1. Fun Form Factor: Users find the R1’s design enjoyable to interact with, adding an element of playfulness to the device.
  2. Seamless Integration: With connectivity to popular apps like Spotify, Uber, DoorDash, and Midjourney, the R1 offers a seamless experience for accessing essential services on the go.
  3. Basic AI Capabilities: While adept at handling simple prompts and questions, the R1’s AI capabilities are primarily limited to describing what its camera sees, leaving room for improvement in functionality.
  4. Gesture and Control Issues: Some users note that certain gestures and controls feel awkward or inconsistent, detracting from the overall user experience.
  5. Limitations: The critics point out that the device fails to perform essential tasks like sending emails, and they highlight areas where further development is needed.


Despite being described as “woefully unfinished” by The Verge, the R1 receives praise for its charm and entertainment value. TechCrunch echoes this sentiment, acknowledging its shortcomings while acknowledging its appeal as a quirky AI gadget.

While the Rabbit R1 may not yet reach its full potential, its debut showcases promise and novelty that resonate with early adopters. With further refinement and enhancements, it has the potential to become a standout player in the AI gadget market.

See also: Apple Releases Eight New On-Device AI Models

Apple Releases Eight New On-device AI Models
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