Smart Data and AI Summit 2024

Smart Data and AI Summit 2024

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s enthusiastic pursuit of next-generation technologies underscores its steadfast commitment to ushering in a future defined by innovation and progress. As more than half of the nation’s organisations pivot from traditional business paradigms to nimble digital frameworks, the Ministry of Economy & Planning has forged a strategic partnership with the Saudi Data & AI Authority (SDAIA) to seamlessly integrate data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) solutions. This collaborative endeavor aims to significantly enhance operational efficiency across various sectors while catalyzing robust economic growth.

In tandem with the ambitious objectives outlined in Saudi Vision 2030, which charts a course away from reliance on hydrocarbons and toward the dawn of Industry 4.0, this initiative signals a bold stride towards industry-wide transformation, societal empowerment, and economic diversification. 

Projections indicate a meteoric rise in the Saudi data analytics market, expected to soar to $8,845.1 million by 2030, alongside a staggering projected contribution of over $135.2 billion from AI technologies to the national economy by the same year. The overarching aim is to position Saudi Arabia as the preeminent hub for data-driven innovation and technological advancement in the Middle East.

Introducing the Smart Data and AI Summit

In response to this burgeoning landscape of opportunity, Tradepass is thrilled to announce the inaugural Smart Data & AI Summit, slated to convene on May 27 and 28, 2024, at the illustrious JW Marriott Riyadh. 

This landmark event will serve as a pivotal gathering point for more than 300 esteemed professionals in the realms of Big Data Analytics and AI, encompassing luminaries such as Chief Data Officers (CDOs), Chief Information Officers (CIOs), Heads of IT, seasoned experts in Data & Business Intelligence, Modeling & Mining, Analytics, as well as Directors of AI, Machine Learning, Robotics, and a myriad of other industry stakeholders. With an expansive agenda comprising insightful keynote addresses, interactive panel discussions, and hands-on workshops, the summit promises to be a transformative platform for knowledge exchange, networking, and collaborative exploration of cutting-edge technologies shaping the future of Saudi Arabia’s digital landscape.

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