Profluent Uses AI to Find Medications

Profluent Uses AI to Find Medicine

Ali Madani, one of the researchers behind ProGen, has launched Profluent, a company aimed at commercialising similar protein-generating technology for pharmaceutical applications. In an interview with TechCrunch, Madani outlined Profluent’s mission as “reversing the drug development paradigm,” prioritising patient and therapeutic needs to tailor treatment solutions accordingly.

Proteins, including enzymes and antibodies, form the basis of many drugs, and Profluent envisions AI-designed proteins as a potential form of medication. Drawing parallels between natural language and protein structures, Madani realized that proteins could be likened to words in a language, with generative AI models capable of predicting novel proteins with unique functions.

More on Profluent

Profluent, co-founded by Madani and Alexander Meeske, plans to extend their concept to gene editing, aiming to optimize multiple attributes simultaneously to create custom-designed gene editors tailored to individual patients. By leveraging AI models trained on vast datasets containing billions of protein sequences, Profluent seeks to refine existing gene-editing and protein-producing systems and collaborate with external partners to develop genetic medicines with high approval potential.

Madani believes that this approach could significantly accelerate the drug development process, reducing the time and resources typically required. Profluent’s platform has garnered support from prominent venture capital firms and industry experts, including Google’s Jeff Dean, positioning the company for rapid growth and strategic partnerships in the biotechnology sector.

As Profluent advances, its focus will extend beyond technological development to encompass customer and partner acquisition. With competitors such as EvolutionaryScale and Basecamp Research also making strides in protein-generating models, Profluent aims to solidify its position as a leader in the field. With the expansion of its AI models through larger training datasets and the establishment of key collaborations, Profluent positions itself to revolutionize the biotechnology landscape with its innovative approach to drug development.

See also: Stanhope Raises £2.3M for Human-Like Decision-making AI

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