New AI Technology Brings Loved Ones Back

New AI Technology Brings Loved Ones Back

The innovative virtual reality AI tool dubbed “live forever mode” introduces digital avatars capable of replicating a person’s voice, mannerisms, and movements with astonishing accuracy, requiring only 30 minutes of observation by the user.

When faced with the heartbreaking prospect of losing the ability to communicate with his father, technology entrepreneur Artur Sychov embarked on a mission to create a solution that would enable others in similar situations to preserve cherished memories. This endeavour resulted in the development of the “live forever mode,” a virtual reality tool designed to immortalize individuals through digital avatars that authentically mimic their traits and behaviours after a brief observation period.

The primary objective of this tool is to ensure that the essence of a person persists indefinitely in digital form, allowing future generations of their family to engage with and interact with these avatars as a lasting memory of their loved ones. Artur envisions a future where these avatars serve as a conduit for individuals to reconnect with departed loved ones, providing comfort and solace in times of grief.

Is this AI Technology Safe?

Despite offering profound emotional benefits, concerns have arisen regarding this technology’s potential to exploit existential fears and anxieties surrounding mortality. Cyber psychologist and author Elaine Kasket warns against the commodification of such deep-seated fears for commercial gain, urging caution in the development and marketing of these products.

Artur’s company, Somnium Space, is currently piloting the “live forever mode” at its headquarters in Prague, Czech Republic, before its official release. Somnium Space is a leading 3D metaverse platform where users inhabit virtual avatars, engaging in a wide range of activities from gaming and artwork creation to attending events and trading virtual goods.

The platform has garnered significant popularity since its establishment in 2017, boasting over 300,000 downloads and attracting a daily user base ranging from 50 to 250 individuals. UltraLord from Budapest, Hungary, and other users are attracted to the concept of perpetuating their legacy through digital avatars, seeing it as a way to ensure their presence endures beyond their physical existence. For UltraLord and others, the prospect of creating an immortalized version of themselves offers a powerful way to connect with future generations and preserve their identity for posterity.

See also: Google App For Android Gets Gemini AI Integration

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