mlcon 3: The AI & ML developers conference

mlcon is a unique hybrid conference that has garnered a community of over 13k AI & ML developers since its inception in 2021. As the landscape of AI technology evolves, with the rapid emergence of generative AI technology and the maturation of AI in production, mlcon serves as the pivotal gathering for AI professionals and developers to glean insights, strategies, and lessons from industry leaders.

Moreover, attendees at mlcon have the opportunity to learn best practices and strategies for integrating generative AI into production, optimizing AI infrastructure, and staying abreast of the dynamic AI field’s advancements.

Additionally, the conference fosters a collaborative environment where AI leaders converge to share successes, failures, and lessons learned, breaking down silos and propelling collective progress and development.

Together, mlcon attendees pave the way for a future marked by continuous AI innovation and advancement.

Furthermore, prepare for an immersive and dynamic experience where you’ll engage with renowned speakers in AI and ML, partake in interactive sessions, and connect with industry trailblazers.

Here’s what awaits you:

  • Interactive AI Activities: Immerse yourself in hands-on AI activities crafted to ignite your curiosity and deepen your understanding.
  • Expert Insights on AI and ML: Gain valuable perspectives from leading authorities who will delve into the latest trends and breakthroughs in AI and ML.
  • Networking Opportunities with Industry Leaders: Forge meaningful connections with prominent professionals and thought leaders in the AI sphere, fostering collaborations and insights exchange.

Additionally, we’re excited to welcome you to this exclusive AI experience in San Jose, where our event prioritizes impactful engagement and actionable takeaways.

Date: June 05-06, 2024

Hybrid Event

Register to attend

See other events: AI Con USA: Uniting Experts in AI and ML

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