Low-Code Generative AI: Simplifying AI Creation with a New Solution

According to Rodrigo Coutinho, AI product manager at OutSystems, generative AI encompasses more than just chatbots. OutSystems, a low-code development platform, has unveiled AI Agent Builder, a new solution aimed at streamlining the creation of AI agents for organizational purposes. These agents consist of model connections, configurations, and prompts.

Easy Configuration and Exploration

Coutinho elaborates that AI agents empower users of low-code platforms to access generative AI technologies effortlessly. With AI Agent Builder, users can configure the agent’s behavior, choosing the desired model and exploring its functionalities visually. The tool provides a user-friendly playground for experimentation, allowing developers to customize the agent according to their requirements.

OutSystems offers three pre-built AI agents, each serving specific purposes: call summarization, ticket deflection, and private chat. Call summarization condenses lengthy calls into brief summaries, facilitating note-taking or integration into sales applications. Ticket deflection enables automatic resolution of queries by referencing documentation or escalating to support systems like Zendesk. Additionally, the private chat agent delivers ChatGPT-like capabilities while ensuring data privacy and compliance.

Versatile Integration and Reusability

Developers can seamlessly integrate AI agents into various applications, leveraging them across different interfaces within the organization. This flexibility allows for the reuse of agents in diverse contexts, such as chatbots or forums. OutSystems ensures security and performance monitoring through built-in guardrails, safeguarding data privacy and regulating model usage.

Future Expansion and Innovative Applications

OutSystems plans to expand its AI Agent Builder with additional models, including image and video processing capabilities. Customers have already found creative applications for AI agents, such as streamlining timesheet management and extracting structured data from text inputs like job applications and resumes. The platform anticipates further innovative uses as customers harness the versatility of low-code generative AI.

See also: Meta Long-Term Vision: Profiting From Generative AI And Beyond

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