Google to Launch AI Chatbots Based on Celebrities and Influencers


Google is reportedly planning to launch AI chatbots based on celebrities and influencers later this year, joining a trend that has been growing in the tech industry. The Information says that Google is negotiating with various celebrities and social media influencers to finalize deals, to allow their personalities to be used for chatbots expected to launch sometime in 2024.

These chatbots will be powered by Google’s Gemini family of large language models, bringing advanced conversational AI to users. While Google has not disclosed the specific celebrities and influencers involved, the potential for high-profile virtual personalities remains significant.

Following in Meta’s Footsteps

Google’s move mirrors similar efforts by other companies. Meta, for example, has been working to increase engagement on its social media platforms by offering chatbots based on personalities like Snoop Dogg, Tom Brady, and Paris Hilton, as well as social media stars such as Charli D’Amelio and Mr. Beast. These efforts have yielded mixed success for the chatbots.. Meta’s Snoop Dogg chatbot, for instance, has only garnered 15,000 Instagram followers compared to the real Snoop Dogg’s 87.5 million followers.

Google User-Created Chatbots

In addition to celebrity-based chatbots, the company plans to allow users to create their own chatbots by defining their appearances and personalities. This feature is reminiscent of Character.AI’s offering, which lets users create chatbots based on real and fictional people, such as Elon Musk, Hamlet, and Mario.

Integration and Experimentation

There is still some uncertainty regarding how Google will integrate these chatbots into its ecosystem. They could initially limit the service to Google Labs, where the company houses its experimental products, although potential platforms for integration include YouTube and Google One.

Differentiation from Google Gems

While the celebrity chatbots might seem similar to Google Gems, there are key differences. Google Gems allows Gemini Advanced subscribers to create customized chatbots with specific personalities and abilities. Users can design Gems for various roles, such as a gym buddy, sous chef, coding partner, or creative writing guide, by describing the desired functionality and response style.


Google’s foray into AI chatbots based on celebrities and influencers represents a significant step in the company’s AI development. By leveraging the Gemini language models, Google aims to create engaging and interactive experiences for users. However, the industry has yet to see the true impact and popularity of these AI chatbots, especially considering the mixed results from similar efforts by other tech giants. As the launch approaches, Google will reveal more details, shedding light on how it plans to bring this innovative feature to the market.

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