ChatGPT App for Mac Now Free for All Users

OpenAI has made the ChatGPT app available to all macOS users, following a limited release to Plus subscribers last month. This new native app is compatible with macOS Sonoma on Apple Silicon devices, offering a seamless way to interact with ChatGPT directly from the desktop.

Key Features of the ChatGPT Mac App

  • Convenient Access: Users can access ChatGPT by tapping the Option+Space shortcut, which brings up a bar to type queries and opens the app to display answers. This feature mirrors the functionality of the built-in Copilot key found on newer Windows laptops.
  • File and Photo Uploads: The app includes an attachments icon, allowing users to upload files, take photos, or capture screenshots. However, to use the screenshot feature, users must grant the app permission to record content from their screen, similar to Microsoft’s Recall tool.
  • Voice Interaction: The macOS app also supports voice interaction, enabling users to speak directly to ChatGPT. This allows for multitasking, as users can type in one window while ChatGPT processes requests in another.

Collaboration and Compatibility

OpenAI’s partnership with Apple on Apple Intelligence underscores the integration of advanced AI features into Apple’s ecosystem. Despite this collaboration, OpenAI has a longstanding relationship with Microsoft, which has been investing in the company since its early days. However, the app remains exclusive to macOS for now, with no immediate plans for a Windows version.

Users can download the this app directly from the OpenAI website. Users are advised to avoid the Mac App Store, which is rife with unofficial and potentially unreliable knock-off apps.

The release of the ChatGPT app for macOS marks a significant step in making AI tools more accessible and integrated into everyday computing. As OpenAI continues to expand its platform reach, macOS users can now leverage ChatGPT’s capabilities for enhanced productivity and interaction directly from their desktops.

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