Atera CEO Gil Pekelman on Harnessing AI in IT Management


The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) has become not just a trend but a necessity for businesses striving to stay ahead. TechForge recently sat down with Gil Pekelman, CEO of Atera, an all-in-one IT management platform, to delve into the transformative power of AI in IT operations and beyond.

Since its inception in 2016, Atera has been a trailblazer in the realm of IT management. Offering a comprehensive suite of services ranging from patching and security to ongoing support and analytics, Atera prides itself on being a single platform solution, eliminating the need for multiple disjointed products. With over 12,000 customers spanning 120 countries, Atera’s global footprint speaks volumes about its efficacy in the IT landscape.

The AI Revolution: Copilot and Autopilot

At the core of Atera’s strategy lies a dedication to integrating AI into its DNA. Over the past nine years, the company has been at the forefront of leveraging AI to automate mundane IT tasks, freeing up professionals for more strategic endeavors. Pekelman emphasizes the transition from generic Generative AI to what they term “Action AI,” where AI moves beyond dialogue to real-world action, autonomously resolving IT issues.

Atera’s Copilot and Autopilot represent a paradigm shift in IT support mechanisms. Autopilot, currently in beta, autonomously resolves common IT issues, while Copilot augments the capabilities of IT professionals, providing advanced diagnostic tools and recommendations. Together, they streamline IT operations, significantly reducing workload and enhancing efficiency.

Pekelman offers valuable advice to companies considering AI integration. While the benefits of AI are vast, it’s crucial to select secure and reliable AI tools. Atera’s collaboration with Microsoft ensures data security, a critical consideration in today’s data-centric world. By incorporating AI, businesses can automate tasks, boost productivity, and improve problem resolution, all while ensuring data safety.

The Future of AI: Intelligent and Empathetic

Looking ahead, Pekelman envisions a future where AI becomes even more intelligent and empathetic. Recent advancements, such as OpenAI’s breakthroughs in understanding mechanisms, pave the way for AI to become increasingly powerful and capable. Atera’s commitment to enhancing user experience through empathetic AI interactions exemplifies this evolution.

Atera’s Roadmap: Innovation in Action

As Atera gears up for the launch of Autopilot, the company remains committed to driving innovation in IT management. By automating routine tasks and empowering IT professionals with advanced tools, Atera aims to elevate productivity and job satisfaction, setting new standards in the IT industry.

In conclusion, Atera’s journey underscores the transformative potential of AI in reshaping IT management. By harnessing the power of AI, businesses can not only streamline operations but also pave the way for a more intelligent and empathetic future.

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